[US/Canada relations]
There is this annoying thing when someone in a categoy of people that are hurting or oppressing others ask the victim to acknowledge that they may be in that category, but don't support the oppressor.
Like a cis person asking a trans person to acknowledge that they're a […]
There is this annoying thing when someone in a categoy of people that are hurting or oppressing others ask the victim to acknowledge that they may be in that category, but don't support the oppressor.
Like a cis person asking a trans person to acknowledge that they're a […]
@pandora_parrot this is not a good analogy and it also fails the test of coherent class analysis.
are we, as American trans people, complicit in the war on Canada? because from my perspective, we're at least as firmly in the crosshairs
@YKantRachelRead I'm going more for an example than analogy. The example being of people who are targetted with abuse/etc. being asked to absolve those that share characteristics of those who are doing the targetting.
As a trans person, I dislike it when cis people […]
@YKantRachelRead It's not about whether or not we're also victims... We definitely are. But even as a trans American, I'm not going to go to my Canadian friends or to Canadian forums and demand they acknowledge that I'm not an anti-Canadian American or anything like […]
@pandora_parrot I haven't personally seen anyone doing that specific thing, and I also don't think it's a bad thing to ask others to acknowledge that e.g. a transgender American person shares _far_ more in common with a Canadian person than a MAGA chud in terms of […]
@YKantRachelRead What I've seen online is people going on Canadian forums where they're discussing how to respond to all of this aggressive US stuff, and in the middle of that conversation, an American will come in and start saying stuff that redirects the […]
I haven't seen the specific example of a trans American doing so, and I'm not really sure what I'd think of that. I'd have to see an actual example of that specifically to have an opinion on it. There's a lot of details to that scenario that would […]
As an American, I think we should be focused on doing what we can to support Canada in facing the American bully, not asking Canadians to absolve us of the bully's crimes.
Things are scary and are only gonna get scarier.