So, if you’re a poor immigrant wanting to live in the U.S. to make a better life for your family and experience democracy, he thinks you’re scum and need to be deported, but if you’re a rich oligarch from an evil country he loves it just fine for you to pay to here and help destroy it from within.😡
Why would they get a gold card if they can get the same benefit with the different kind of visa 🤷🏼♀️. Even if they are rich and can afford it they know a good deal when they see it and know they can get it for less.
The proposal for the gold card not causing a MAGA uproar is another prime example of how it is a cult. If literally any other person tried to sell our citizenship, conservatives would lose their minds, claim tyranny, and boycott. But because it's Donald its ok
I cannot believe he stood up there talking about this shit. He is a fucking eight year old idiot. That kid that thought he knew everything but didn’t know shit. We all knew that kid.
Did know that kid, but tbh, ppl like this exist thru out our lives—at every age. They are fcking everywhere. If we learned how to communicate at a young age w ppl like this, we would be better off. Instead, we are taught to ignore them and go abt our business. Another piece of how we got here.
...and insidious. For the low price of five million, you get to donate to SuperPACs almost without regulation. Trump is literally selling the right to interfere in our (admittedly deeply fucked) elections.
The USA or Donald Trump?
Build a business
Raise a family
Bring in a shit weasel with $5 mil in human trafficking money
Welcome to the Shining City on a Hill Mr Turd Burglar.
This is dog and pony show is offensive on so many, many levels.
Not a good thing