Our members drive all that we do. For example, just on the clinical affairs side, we had 20 working groups churning out guidelines, papers and so much more in 2024.
So many members of the molecular pathology and diagnostics community took advantage of our courses, webinars and continuing-education credits! Check out the catalog: https://www.amp.org/education/amp-online-education/
It was a banner year for annual meeting abstracts. So many people showcased their hard-earned research in Vancouver, B.C. You can read all the abstracts here: https://www.jmdjournal.org/article/S1525-1578(24)00232-0/pdf. Hope to see even more posters in Boston in 2025!
We produced dozens and dozens of webinars and online workshops. Many thanks to all the speakers, moderators and our corporate sponsors for making these happen!