1️⃣ We take a different approach to theatre-making.
Rather than being led by a single Artistic Director, we follow an Executive Producer-led model. This means multiple voices shape the work we produce, creating more opportunities for collaboration and fresh ideas.
We don’t just put on shows - we listen to our community. Through artist commissions, participation projects, and local engagement, the stories we tell reflect the people and voices around us.
3️⃣ We champion artists at all stages of their careers.
From emerging talent to established professionals, we provide structured development opportunities and commission new work to support fresh voices in Scottish theatre.
Cumbernauld Theatre’s model is forward-thinking and inclusive, but due to the loss of multi-year funding, our ability to produce work and support artists simply cannot go on.
Rather than being led by a single Artistic Director, we follow an Executive Producer-led model. This means multiple voices shape the work we produce, creating more opportunities for collaboration and fresh ideas.
We don’t just put on shows - we listen to our community. Through artist commissions, participation projects, and local engagement, the stories we tell reflect the people and voices around us.
From emerging talent to established professionals, we provide structured development opportunities and commission new work to support fresh voices in Scottish theatre.