Well, it's listeria with deli meats. Salmonella on the eggs & chicken, and ecoli in the meat, but what do I know, I read the Serve Safe manual, which I wouldn't say about who wrote this, with good intentions.
True. Importing states currently test foreign produce. They will have to test more and this will lead to delays and higher costs on US produce. Then the USA run by the current bunch will state such testing is incorrect and attempt to steam roll through. As you say, market loss for US producers.
I started noticing changes in US produce in 2020, and it's only gotten worse. We may never again be able to safely eat salad. It was previously my favorite summertime dinner.
Even if they recant and say they are, like the Muskettes, they probably are not telling the truth. Until this administration is gone, i don't feel like our country is trust worthy at many/any level.