I have read many, many tabletop miniatures games at this point in my life. And it’s surprising (and a little depressing) how many of them are functionally identical. Come on, miniature game designers! Innovate!
(Those of you who are innovating, I love your work!)
(Those of you who are innovating, I love your work!)
I think there are a few others that come close to the mark, but require the right kind of players — they’ve become captured by the optimising competitive scene, and that…
What are the aspects you would like to see improved?
They are out there. They’re just vastly outnumbered.
E.g. do you still want a focus on characters represented in some sort of space via a token and moving it around in order to 'do' things, but to have that space be more than just combat (travel on a map, map of social groups, etc)?
And if I wanted a tactics simulator, there are many board games that do that better, cheaper and less time consuming.
One of the affordances that minis games grant over, say, board games for me is the visual aspect — there’s something about a small scale movie playing out across a board that I find compelling. But it needs a plot, a narrative arc, a point.