would've been nice if the industry actually used blender. even putting that aside, there's plenty of issues. not being a particularly good value for price to performance being one, not supporting all software that windows does is another. staying on windows is simply more convenient.
Fair point, but in terms of software ill have to disagree. There is tons of creative arts software on the app store and on the web compatible for mac! and the price is comparable to a good pc once you go past 2-3k USD
from a creative perspective, it's probably alr. but from a student's perspective, there are apps we need to learn which simply aren't available in macOS, 3ds max being one. also forgot to mention, 3d apps' reliance on cuda cores makes it nearly essential to have an nvidia GPU, that kinda seals it.
I mean they have the best standard (although I dislike them) and if nothing they are consistent. The market bis slightly improving though,or so I feel,with framework and Lenovo (while not perfect) have taken a lot of steps to improve
I think the main reason is that I was used to windows,I bought an iPhone as my daily driver for a year and I kept wishing I had my old android,And while I have had to work on MacOs devices for work and can recognize a lot of good things on them. I personally don't like the UI. But it's a taste issue
And while Microsoft is not without a fault and Linux is...It's own thing, MacOs I feel is kinda limited? I can see someone getting used to it and being more streamlined for them.
But personally:
-the UI doesn't click for me
-the ecosystem seems predatory
-the options are inflexible and development for it is...limited
-apple can be unethical against repairs
They're actively anti-consumer and make changes to the products to make them harder to work on, although that seems to be changing in recent years. The operating system itself is hard to compile to make applications for and their operating systems are missing key features
must suck being an isheep too, never having any money for anything else.
crapple isn't without its flaws too
not once but twice their products have failed due to pricing them too high. https://youtu.be/gYmgWBt4Ofo?si=VTTZt_88zoZgyohU
Until that day you run it over with a car and cannot remove the hard disk without industrial BGA soldering taking you back 25k. Or if a breadcrumb gets under a keycap... god help us
-the UI doesn't click for me
-the ecosystem seems predatory
-the options are inflexible and development for it is...limited
-apple can be unethical against repairs
crapple isn't without its flaws too
not once but twice their products have failed due to pricing them too high.