This is *some* of it. It's hard to price because so little of it has sold in the last few months. There are a few available on eBay but their prices are... well... silly. I'll try to bring some of it in March, if folks are interested.
I got one of these card protectors that doubles as a bag charm and I’m gonna win the adoration of a whole lot of my younger students (and more than a few of the older ones) in the coming days.
playin the Klonoa PS4 remaster to achieve my lifelong dream of playing the full game after replaying the first level over and over again on the demo disc that came with a copy of the official Playstation magazine back in't day
It really adds a premium feeling to Bumblebee. I normally trash the box, but both for ease of storage and presentation, I'm happy to hold onto this one.
This evening after work I'm onto the Microman reboot toys, also from Phil. Yes, including the PS1/ship and controllers/scout craft.
it's good!
great little indie animation thingo set in the World of Darkness rpg system.
I must see all the middle management burdens
I want to know about his train set