"Obedience is what school requires, which is a feminine trait"
wait till this guy finds out about the military
wait till this guy finds out about the military
Reposted from
Matt Salomone
“Education as a concept is feminine” – statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged #AcademicSky
Tell me you are anti-humanities without telling me you are anti-humanities
~300bce, probably
Then it all makes sense, since, as you point out, they fetishize the military, which they transpose "man", or, "power", onto.
The Military is both Super Manly Masculine! and ALSO Cucked/Woke and being infiltrated/powerless against the 'SJWs' and/or LGBTQ+!
- depending on how they woke up and where they decided to move the goalposts to, of course.
"okay Declan but i'm actually pretty sure that pi is the ratio of a circle's circumference to it's diameter. but if you have a theorem cooking saying otherwise that'd indeed be mighty manly of you"
Fear of being made the one who bears the burden of an unfair system is what is driving people. And that fear is due to tightening living standards. You can afford to be honorable/dutiful in the past. Now, it's been efficiencied away. Now, it's for suckers.
They're starting to put trans women in the spot of the "bull" more frequently. That's how I know we're a bit fucked.
The one you mention in the quote is just the toxic form.
It saddens me to no end that to so many, that is the only form of masculinity.
Healthy masulinity, what you mention at the end, needs to be encouraged more.
Well … not all men.
Assuming we're not going to call this "toxic" anymore because it hurts their feelings, what adjective would apply? Perhaps "stupid."
He'll never find out about them, he gets winded walking upstairs from the basement to get his hot pockets, there is no way he is walking to a recruiting office.
Nah, that's just rude and childish.
But really, while I've had that trait for most of my life, it was only against shitty people. Mostly the ones abusing their position of power instead of using it in a more approachable way.