When we make money from zines, we see it as a fun bonus. Most of us put it right back in the fandom by way of buying from artist booths at cons or from small businesses, by asking for commissions, or by purchasing zines. If making money was the point, zines wouldn’t be the space that it is.
Especially the resource list: https://airtable.com/app5XO65m55gJIqzh/shryZ5QCyE4ZmhhMo/tblE4WJ66gsWdSXFc/viwnyUuzak911EfCq
Join the ZineTown discord server: https://discord.gg/JMnAA6w
There you can ask experienced mod directly for help, manu recs, etc.!
Also, if you feel lacking in an area but still wanna cover it, you can always cowrite with someone ~