She sounds delightful! I had to say goodbye to my orange rescue tabby of 14 years a few months ago due to cancer, that was hard. They become family. Beloved, furry family. Don’t worry I won’t take the color comment personally, it’s understood. Random pic of my Nacho.
I had the volume up, just made the beats louder. Couldn't hear any of the words. This isn't the first time. I think the same thing happened last year. They need better audio engineers for the broadcast for halftime shows.
Maybe it depends on our personal sound at home too. I have an old tv, we cranked it above 20 and heard the lyrics better but don’t have much “bass” to speak of. It was def mixed poorly tho, no argument. I worked tech crew in high school, it baffles me when sound checks aren’t done better.
PS luv the puppy in prof pic
I truly did not get that.
But that's okay, I will go grab the metamucil and watch Prince in 2007 again.