Huh 🤔 I’ve been a pagan the majority of my life I rarely do spell work. It has to have a very specific purpose. Mostly just grounding, and holiday ritual. I’ve had good success with binding and cord breaking. 🤷
I have a weird prosperity spell that’s meditation and incantation of “trinka-five.” Usually a green candle and dark orange candle and some rosemary from my garden.
I have one where I picture an obnoxious person surrounded in glowing blue light. Then I drain the light into the ground.
It often takes the wind out of their sails and they calm TF down.
At the very least, it makes me feel like I'm doing something. (Instead of strangling them 😆)
Get a picture of yourself and a bowl of water. Enter a meditative state staring at your picture and state, "I forgive myself for all my faults past and present and I reclaim my power". Sprinkle yourself with the water and repeat. I do this at least 3 times before I stop and dispose of the water.
By the eyes that saw beauty
and the lips that spoke truth
and the heart that knew joy,
May the Goddess guide you on your way
Blessed Be my friend.
It often takes the wind out of their sails and they calm TF down.
At the very least, it makes me feel like I'm doing something. (Instead of strangling them 😆)