Do what you must but we'd rather you didn't go. I look forward to your posts every day.
You are the genuine article , just keep being you. They are the fakes if they have to come after you anonymously.
Just whenever I speak to on something that's upset me, I get sent anonymous messages or called aggressive (when I genuinely didn't think I was being) and it happens so much
If all people want from me is to be fake then I can't be here anymore
No whenever I have an opinion on something I get called aggressive and I don't understand, I'm not swearing or yelling or being mean? I'm just stating I'm upset by something. I even purposely didn't name and shame because I'm not that kind of person. And yet... Told I'm aggressive.
I'm so sorry it's happening. The person doing that isn't fair and it's just mean at that point. But please, take care of you and know that there's people here who cherish your posts and will support your choice no matter what 🫂
Hey hon, I'm sorry you're having a rough go of it! I love you very dearly and would be sad not to see you, good, bad, or somewhere in between days, but whatever you need to do that is best for you, I will always support!
You are the genuine article , just keep being you. They are the fakes if they have to come after you anonymously.
If all people want from me is to be fake then I can't be here anymore
*cheese hugs*
Hope you are ok, sending lots of hugs and good vibes
If you are really going to leave, DM me for my email addy and keep in touch. 🥹