Why not hire someone to come in and cook meals at our house?
One day a week.
I thought a private chef would be expensive.
But I was shocked:
It turned out to be something everyone should consider.
3 reasons: money, health, and time.
One day a week.
I thought a private chef would be expensive.
But I was shocked:
It turned out to be something everyone should consider.
3 reasons: money, health, and time.
$150 for food, $250 for ~6 hours of labor.
For that, we get:
• 4 complete dinners for 4 (2 adults + 2 teens)
• 16 snacks and breakfasts (muffins, egg bites)
• Enough leftovers for 10 lunches/meals
These are San Antonio prices but still…
16 dinners + 10 lunches + 16 breakfasts = 42 meals.
That’s under $10/meal.
Even if you take out ALL the breakfasts. That’s still just $15.38 / meal.
And that still doesn’t touch two big factors: health and time.
Before, we (well, my wife) spent 20+ hours a week on shopping and cooking.
Now we spend 3 hours solely on menu planning.
17 hours of crappy time turned into quality time.
And even valuing our time at $10/hour, that’s another $170 in value back.
This was the reason we looked into a chef in the first place.
And this guy has delivered.
Tastier and fresher than what we’d make ourselves.
And way healthier than a restaurant.
He makes everything taste great – our teens actually eat vegetables now!
• Advertised (craigslist/thumbtack worked best)
• Looked at 10 candidates
• Phone screened 4
• Checked references on 2. Ran a background check.
• Did one paid trial day
• Hired him
Cooks at our place then cleans.
Meals in tupperware, ready for us to do our thing.