He sounds as if he was a genuinely lovely man given the accounts from those who knew him (And yes, anyone who is kind to cats also goes up in my estimation!)
I'm not very familiar with that situation, but I think that BM pointed out that badger culling was unnecessary in the face of the fact that hygiene could prevent the transmission inside of the herd. Do you think that he is wrong?...
But even if BM is wrong and badgers are to blame, do you think that the culling makes any sense? I mean, humans are the main driver of life extinction (human and non-human). If we abstain from a quasi-religious human-centered point of view then it should follow that humans ought to be culled too...
And I think that Brian May does a great advocacy job for animals too.
So, never judge (entirely) one man for his lousy music...
I mean, loving badgers can't be a bad thing...