Diversity, equity, and inclusion practices/programs were implemented to ensure fair opportunities for all people. Who benefited the most…white women! Research just a little bit because your post told a lot about you.
He voted for Trump because he thought Trump would screw over other people and not him. The lesson to be learned from this is that in a democracy, you get the government you deserve and sometimes you get it good and hard.
Maybe you should go back to school and finish your government and civics class to ensure you know how to vote. That is, if we can ever fairly vote again.
If and when the democrats would have control over the government (Congress, White House, and courts), nobody who is, right now, or previously, aiding the orange turd should escape from punishment. Ever single one of them, by the thousands, so be it. They must pay dearly. No Merrick Garland-like BS.
He voted for the Leopards eating faces party = #GQPTraitors & this dumb MFer is shocked that the Leopards are eating his face. Stupid & racist are a tough combination to overcome- #thoughts&prayers
Ah, the classic case of "I wanted others to suffer, but surprise! It’s me instead!" 🎭 Looks like when you play with fire, you might just get burned! Next time, maybe try spreading kindness instead of chaos. But hey, at least you found out the hard way! 🔥😏
He told you!!!
Thoughts and prayers
Same thoughts and prayers Republicans give to school shootings
The "right people" are the very people who fucked you.
My sympathy well is completely dry, I'm afraid.
Cue the laugh track.
It was all ok when it was someone else. Right?
You have to be really stupid to fall for Republican bullshit and lies.
But that is the Republican base, stupid and full of shit, FAFO Shit!