You may not enjoy this new McPolice state you have unwillingly found yourself in so follow these safety tips:
1. Don't linger in the restaurant
2. Don't let it scan your eyes
3. Don't talk to the AI for too long
4. Do not eat here if you are under a manhunt
Ppl don't realize McDonald's, Walmart, 7-11 etc. Have all turned their stores into spying for cops. Their employees are allowed to work surveillance on the clock. That's why so many retail/service workers have air pods in one year, they're talking to cops about people who come in.
They want to sell you personal information, but they also want to be able to identify you in case you attend protest or write something online that they don't like.
The police state is so strong, partly bc these companies are using their stores, and their workers to help cops do surveillance. They focus on the places ppl are likely to go to.
This partnership between the police state and corporations is essentially what is running this country.
Boycott McDonald's for humanity
I just can’t…
End up in a camp
You may not enjoy this new McPolice state you have unwillingly found yourself in so follow these safety tips:
1. Don't linger in the restaurant
2. Don't let it scan your eyes
3. Don't talk to the AI for too long
4. Do not eat here if you are under a manhunt
And I'm embarrassed that I missed that.
like the data was'nt all ready *out there*
This partnership between the police state and corporations is essentially what is running this country.