Why not? Grow a clone body, copy your brain over with Neuralink, achieve immortality. It's a science fiction whimsy with too many practical hurdles to overcome (like colonizing Mars today), but that's never stopped him from doing ridiculous things before.
It took me some time to comprehend cause gender selection is illegal where I live (except for medical reasons) The fact that you can just pay for it like it's nothing in a country where ppl are still fighting abortion & gays while swearing on the bible makes little sense, where did "God's work" go?
BTW thank you in advance for not snitch tagging Vivian, I’m aware she’s on here but the last thing that girl needs is to see more strangers talking about her conception
:( Yeah I feel bad for her (and honestly all of Elon's kids) because that dude is a proper freak that treats his offspring like products rather than people. I can't imagine growing up in that environment THEN having people comment on it regularly online like if its the most interesting part of you.
Figured as much but it's nice to get confirmation.
Creepy as hell. Especially weird given how little he seems to care about them unless it's to spite the mother. Obsessed with breeding more males, doesn't seem to like the sex, doesn't want to see the results...weirdest eugenics breeding kink ever.
jackass is as obvious as a dump truck at the ballet. I bet I can even guess which crap sci-fi book gave him the idea.
Creepy as hell. Especially weird given how little he seems to care about them unless it's to spite the mother. Obsessed with breeding more males, doesn't seem to like the sex, doesn't want to see the results...weirdest eugenics breeding kink ever.