There are a couple artists from CT and Central/Western Mass that don’t seem to be represented. You can find some of them pretty readily around here in Western Mass. I think I have an extra copy of Paul Edwards’ LP called Country Music Entertainer which is decent stripped down folky country.
Well if you’re ever in the neighborhood let me know. We could do a DJ teamup. There’s even one store where you won’t be competing with me because I don’t go there (long story). This area is a vinyl Mecca but with that comes competition. But country is undervalued by most stores so deals can be had.
My very limited experience with the northeast is that there are less country records per capita but I’d still love to take a trip up to Maine and back some time. I know there’s some good records from up north.
Per capita yes esp in the cities but out here in the country you’ll find more. But they do tend to be farm fresh sometimes. You have to dig through a lot of polka records too. One thing you can find is French Canadian country records cheap which are fun and also sometimes really good. The hippies
and back to the landers also got into country and there were several bands around here in the 60s & 70s. Bluegrass is definitely more prevalent because there are a lot of nerds who like to jam. Yodelin Slim Clark and Kenny Roberts are the most notable old school country guys from Western Mass.