The great lesson I learned from one of my ex-boyfriends is that people can love the exact same media as you but take completely different lessons away from it so its good to check on these things before you date someone because they liked the same media
The WALL STREET thing is well-worn territory. Michael Douglas has said he can’t believe how many people think Gordon Gekko is aspirational or even the hero.
AMERICAN PSYCHO had a lot of unironic fans of the bankers and their behavior and commodity fetishism.
"Whiplash" was a vile slander against music education. I know literally 100s of musicians, and not 1 was abused into greatness. They were encouraged and praised and became even better, seeking more of that.
This guitarist was 15. He wasn't beaten into being so talented.
I could see that. A Japanese pro volleyball club came through our university on an international tour once. We were beating them pretty handily so their coach called time, their setter kneeled before him, and he back-handed him across the ear. Game resumed, they came back and demolished us.
Yeah you can just learn drums by like, playing drums.
What Whiplash doesn't show is the 99% of great drummers having fun with their instrument every day and making beautiful music without being subject to an irate maniac with an inferiority complex.
I missed Sicario when it came, then saw the ending where he murders his enemy's wife and child and most of the people in the comments thought it was the most righteous, coolest, badass ending ever.
After doing music school that movie especially hits hard, there are still people who act like jk Simmons in classical music or students who are worse. 99% are great people but you do meet crazy old heads or high school directors like that
Leo's character in Django Unchained is probably the best angle to shoot for if you want to reliably leave the impression "you should think less of anyone this reminds you of, and try to be less like it yourself". Utterly contemptible in addition to being evil, the butt of every joke in his proximity
Vivek doesn't realize the teacher in that movie would have no students. Any real musician would drop that class, especially a jazzer.
You want to teach jazz musicians you have to let them go off on the weekend to make that student money, not be metronome.
It’s unbelievable to me that everything in this world all the sudden can’t be two things at once… like yes, he became great by a questionable teaching technique… and you can also be very good at the drums by like… you know… practicing.
Libertarians have been trying to build Snowcrash as long as the internet has existed. Conservatives just really think dystopias are aspirational, so this take does not surprise me.
The WALL STREET thing is well-worn territory. Michael Douglas has said he can’t believe how many people think Gordon Gekko is aspirational or even the hero.
AMERICAN PSYCHO had a lot of unironic fans of the bankers and their behavior and commodity fetishism.
I need your sharing my gfm and donate if you can to help my family
This guitarist was 15. He wasn't beaten into being so talented.
What Whiplash doesn't show is the 99% of great drummers having fun with their instrument every day and making beautiful music without being subject to an irate maniac with an inferiority complex.
You want to teach jazz musicians you have to let them go off on the weekend to make that student money, not be metronome.
That's Science Fiction.