The Civil War never ended, it just went Cold & Cultural. The GOP is just the latest face of the Confederacy. Be prepared for late 60s levels of protests and riots as the Cold Civil War warms up again
1860s, Andrew Johnson let everyone off allowed them back into government they destroyed reconstruction and introduced even more darker laws of segregation that lasted until 1965.
To an extent, they are. They just have a higher goal in mind behind it.
The idea is to cull the military into a Pretorian personal security force, loyal only to Trump and MAGA and willing to follow literally any order by them. Resegregation, beyond being an ideological goal, is a shortcut to that.
The right wing Evangelical Christians want to put women back in the kitchen with kiddies tugging their apron strings. Every person of color in a subservient position, powerless. Any hint of sexuality that isn’t boringly straight illegal.
Pretty much. Ever since LBJ pushed through all of these civil rights policies, there has been a movement to try and reverse it. And under Trump, the bigots are succeeding. The media refused to call them out, sanewashing and downplaying Trump's white supremacy. It all comes down to racism.
The idea is to cull the military into a Pretorian personal security force, loyal only to Trump and MAGA and willing to follow literally any order by them. Resegregation, beyond being an ideological goal, is a shortcut to that.
Themselves, not coincidentally, on top.
It could never happen here, I respond
*They jab the bat into my stomach*
I just feel as if we should focus on the illegal people first
*They swing the bat down and cave my skull in*
The left has gone too far! I gurgle before slumping over
"Trump 2.0 is bringing back Jim Crow law."
…I’m just now getting word on the concept of “juries”