The time I did spend in therapy touching on things like depression, my therapist stated the "idle-mind". When you allow your thoughts to fester or likely being stuck in the same-routine everyday that feed into them. Which she was right that I was dealing with the same shit everyday and felt stuck.
She told me to practice setting goals and use the "5 year plan" and celebrate small victories. Rewiring your brain to focus on small/big tasks to reach a goal passes the time and it at least helped me to unlearn my negative habits. It's hard, starting out but gets easier when you set a rhythm.
Setting small goals for the year like "make $200 by March" (which I've succeeded) to long-term goals like to go for a certification I've wanted for a while but kept putting off but aim to get it by early next year.
Things like this have helped me practice discipline and celebrate completing tasks. It breaks the monotony of my same-day cycle because it forced me to have to step out of my comfort zone to try something else.
There's different strokes for different folks who have different issues but the "goals" method works for me. I just got tired of feeling the way I felt but ultimately I had to create that change. I didn't want to dread my friends or family with my problems so I just wanted to find a way to fix -
-things on my own. It was like "tired of being tired". I want that change. I want to feel better. So I do what I can to keep that feeling. Life still pressures me here and there but I'm stubborn. If I really want it, I'll chase after it, that includes my happiness/wellness.