you totally can, u just need to remember some rules and try not to mix them up, like gendered words, some words that are feminine in portuguese are masculine in spanish and vice versa, it can be a little confusing but u can make it
Well it'll be pretty hard
Portuguese is a complex language, harder than Spanish, and it doesn't help that they sound similar
Lots of words exist in both languages but have completely different meanings
You can, but it's kinda hard, even more because portuguese has a lot of specific rules that sometimes not even native speakers can remember all the time (i'm brazilian haha)
Spanish can be a tricky language to learn, some day it is harder to learn than English. That I'm not sure, but it is fun to learn a new language, so good luck.
If you want help to understand or translate something I Spanish, I can help with that.
That's the trick, it's the same language
There are very few grammatical differences between the two and the vocabulary is very similar (albeit with many false cognates)
If you study one, you can read both languages fairly well
I mean, they a bit similar with some words, but, its better to learn one at time.
I recommend Portuguese first because people tend to think when you learn Spanish you automatically are good in Portuguese and well they butcher the pronunciantion and well make some disgusting mistake, your choice lol
I can't recommend anything personally because I speak portuguese as my first language so I am heavily biased 😭😭😭
I have a friend who was in a similar predicament and they said that it's better to just pick one first then focus on the other tho.
Sorry I can't give much advice but I wish you luck!!
Portuguese is a complex language, harder than Spanish, and it doesn't help that they sound similar
Lots of words exist in both languages but have completely different meanings
If you want help to understand or translate something I Spanish, I can help with that.
There are very few grammatical differences between the two and the vocabulary is very similar (albeit with many false cognates)
If you study one, you can read both languages fairly well
I recommend Portuguese first because people tend to think when you learn Spanish you automatically are good in Portuguese and well they butcher the pronunciantion and well make some disgusting mistake, your choice lol
I have a friend who was in a similar predicament and they said that it's better to just pick one first then focus on the other tho.
Sorry I can't give much advice but I wish you luck!!