I started in ‘86 with MERP
I’ve played a whole bunch since then but my favourites are WFRP and CoC (and maybe Ars Magica)
Most recently, I’ve GMed Dark Heresy and I’m currently playing in a DnD campaign
I’ve played a whole bunch since then but my favourites are WFRP and CoC (and maybe Ars Magica)
Most recently, I’ve GMed Dark Heresy and I’m currently playing in a DnD campaign
How did you enjoy Dark Heresy?
Dark Heresy was fun but I found the masses of lore too restrictive for my style of GMing. But the players really liked it. I threw a lot at them.
I prefer drawn out plot where the players start knowing very little
Fun GMing?
The two most important things I’ve found are
~Get the right players (tricky)
~ALWAYS have PCs have something to make them WANT to adventure. They should always say ‘Yes, and…’ when something happens or is said