This directory is quite handy. Pop in subjects or themes and they'll come up with a list of people to follow. Eg. Doctor Who will pull up everyone from shoe runners, Big Finish bods to more active fans.
No idea either. Posted a reply but goodness knows where it went! Happy Birthday for the 20th. Think I have got an old phone number for you as I did text. Take care great mate.
Oh great mate!
Thank you so much. I’ve been crap lately but having a MAJOR work change atm and I’m all over the place. It’s getting better and I’m hoping to get back to Wrexham soon. I hope you’re doing well. Big hugs xx
Thank you so much. I’ve been crap lately but having a MAJOR work change atm and I’m all over the place. It’s getting better and I’m hoping to get back to Wrexham soon. I hope you’re doing well. Big hugs xx