Musk should stop being a dickwad and nobody would bother him. But, noooo… He had to stick his nose where it doesn’t belong and hurt Americans left and RIGHT.
Saying stupid things like “Social Security is a Ponzi scheme” or saying “Legalize comedy”in the context of dismantling government institutions, is threatening to all but the most affluent Americans
How would you expect them to
respond; a smile and a handshake?
You can't start firing everyone, taking away vital benefits, pay, retirements, and expect people to like you. Elon better get the hell out of the USA or face the consequences, you know like Jail or worse. Treason come with a stiff penalty.
Yes he strategically carries him on his shoulders so the back of his head is covered and with the kid's legs one on each side of his head - he is a sociopathic coward
What would attract the world's richest person to lower themselves into the sewer of a Trump administration?
Behavior modification out of the question?
Empathy too?
He’s-Off His Rocker
He’s got it coming, whatever it is.
Saying stupid things like “Social Security is a Ponzi scheme” or saying “Legalize comedy”in the context of dismantling government institutions, is threatening to all but the most affluent Americans
How would you expect them to
respond; a smile and a handshake?
Don’t be a dumbass, dickhead…