Feb 2, 2021
Small prototype trying to capture the feeling of running by the sea listening to sick beats (and avoiding getting sea water on the circuits)
Jan 18, 2020
Not really #gamedev but figured I'd share a fun little experiment with #UnrealEngine to replace a greenscreen with a realtime virtual set. Felt suuuuper good going from idea to implementation in a few hours, for a change!
(multi-camera studio - virtual set)
Small prototype trying to capture the feeling of running by the sea listening to sick beats (and avoiding getting sea water on the circuits)
Not really #gamedev but figured I'd share a fun little experiment with #UnrealEngine to replace a greenscreen with a realtime virtual set. Felt suuuuper good going from idea to implementation in a few hours, for a change!
(multi-camera studio - virtual set)
Getting into Unreal
100 canoes float down a river.
Sounds like the start of a bad joke but it's really just a stress test of my vector-based flow simulation.
Go home random river generator, you're drunk.
First stab at water buoyancy... *wildly* successful!
"Say hello to my little friend"
#GlobalGameJam2019 #GGJ19 #gamedev
I've been burned out on #gamedev for months and have found #landscapephotography to be super nice and helpful.
It's the opposite from sitting in from of a PC and creating something takes seconds.
This Sunday those two worlds kinda collided in this picture :)
Threading the needle on the last hours of #GlobalGameJam2018 with @indigentstudio
#GGJ18 #gamedev #madewithunity
Back from #indiedome at #LisboaGamesWeek and here's a couple of screenshots of spaces people made! #gamedev #madewithunity
Unintentional beauty
First #inktober and here are some of my fav doodles #inktober2017 #art shoutout to @AutoKite for the inspiration!
Teaching small pillars to pick themselves up if they fall down... with mixed results... SHIPPING IT!
My tiny game RACE THE ODDS is now free on
@itchio - https://goo.gl/MxeSDT - Hope you enjoy it!
Lots of things happening behind the scenes. Hope to be able to share soon!
Cool to see my tiny game jam game on a big screen in last night's #gamedev meetup in Lisbon's Microsoft HQ
I'm a fan of these confetti spewing cuboids.
Tiny improvement can make a big diference - Trail now affected by speed.
Exciting early days trying to make the AI read the world and decide what to do and how by themselves!
Goodbye spaghetti AI doing only what I tell them to do. Working on making AI plan and decide things dynamically.
"Let me just make a super quick light test" ...3 hours later...
The right music for trying to catch these rock-frog-thingies
Buds @Indie_Dome Such a great event with hundreds of people playing the prototype. Awesome feedback!
Teaching the AIs how to be jealouly guard the totem!
Things happening in the GDC (pt) prototype. It's starting to take shape!
Rehauling Project BUDS' AI to make it feel "playful"
Using math to create a cheeky monkey!
Starting to get a grip on this vector business *-*
Planting at the Speed of Light (well, no but, you know)
Tree planting working!
Particle Slalon
Dancing on a Sea of Starlight
Starting to get a grasp of this shader business!
Okay, you can stop making trees now...
Of course this is the first thing I do after implementing a pool manager :D
"And the Blues are going for it but the Reds defend ferousciously! Wait! What is that Red doing?"
First game jam! A solo prototype made for Molyjam Deux