I've decided to make an in-character journal for my pathfinder sessions, written by the snake-companion of my witch. His language skills and sketching skills are going to improve as he goes. Turned out to be very fun!
#fantasy #journal #pathfinder #sketch #art
(Strength of a 1000 AP spoilers!)
#fantasy #journal #pathfinder #sketch #art
(Strength of a 1000 AP spoilers!)
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It has less drawings that I'd like it to have, but i have LOTS of in character diary pages. In fact I'm atm at Veliss 3rd booklet.
It is so fun because there I write things that we state doing but do not narrate in game.
And then i pop indesign open and rewrite.
I even made what the GM thought witch marks in entries when we were sailing, and it's common sailing notation of weather and so xD
(a big bravo also for the inclusion of detailed alts, it's so cool!)
Cheers! Thankfully this place allows very long alt text, so I managed to fit all the text!
I DM for a group that meets bi-weekly, and only one of them is a note taker (though their notes are very exclusive to just their character), and several of them have rather poor memories for some pivotal details (cont.)
Big love to the note takers out there it's such a help.
The journal is written by that snake!
Summoner was my first pathfinder character. Sadly didn’t have as much fun with him as I’d have liked. But was still cool
if you like this kind of stuff,I made a whole thread of all the journal entries, since the separate posts were hard to find after a while:
Pls let me know when they get the ant dreams figured out, I’m glad I’m not the only one
:D stay tuned for MORE ant dreams coming soon (perhaps)