From an adults POV, homework is unfair. If I was made to do work I wasn't getting paid for on my own time, I would consider it exploitation. In my own experience as a kid with a learning disability, being required to reteach myself the material after hours and do assignments was pointless and cruel.
Plus getting approved for a student loan up here in Ontario is so much hassle & there’s been so many cuts to primary and school education, plus new mandates introduced, it makes me glad my academic years are behind me
I was at school all day, if a teacher couldn't cram the message into me in that time, it isn't my fault, and my time is mine, not the school's.
I found out in 7th grade that homework was only 5%, so I just did everything else and accepted the fact I couldn't do better than 95%.
I got in a lot of trouble, including 6 detentions (all from the same teacher who had a hard-on for homework), but still easily passed my classes.
If you can't teach it, homework is cruel. If you want it taught, homework is necessary.
We did pick this city for the school district quality but didn’t expect homework in kindergarten.
If they don't do it, it's not the end of the word.
Kids who can't are shamed.