Pokémon games are linear but at times can split in different directions or require you to finish something before you move on. That’s what is happening here. The dancing people are blocking the player until they do something else somewhere else.
OH MY GOD!! I I REMEMBER THEM! I told my friends in middle school about it and they just didn’t go that way I guess and said that this wasn’t an actual line in the game. I’m angry, heated!!
I actually feel like since the removal of HMs they've had less of these kinds of blocks, though part of that is that Gen 8 and especially 9 are way more openly designed.
Wasn't there only 1 order to complete all the gyms in SwSh? Which tells me that every gym town had a roadblock. You are right that they were largely reduced in gen 9 though.
There was but it was stuff like the bike abilities and whatnot, but I don't remember that well since it's been over 5 years and the game is generally pretty forgettable imo
In an older game the next area would have been gated by an HM which is much more organic.
They don’t make excuses. They are who they are, and they do what they do.