In 2024, the Danish state will transfer just over DKK 4 billion. DKK in block grants to the Self-Government (Selvstyret). In addition, the Danish State continues to finance a number of activities in Greenland such as the police and defence (web search)
I admit I am completely unfamiliar with the financial relationship between Denmark & Greenland, but I was just figuringthat if the will & good faith were present (big if, granted) that the US would have deeper pockets for such negotiations & that might produce a positive outcome for the residents 🤷♂️
But the thing is, Greenland isn't Denmarks to sell, we give them a lot of subsidy because they are part of our nation but they are also their own country and they have said no! Vehemently!
I was looking at it from the perspective of Denmark & the US making competing bids to the people of Greenland to make a choice, not a deal without them.
As I said elsewhere in the thread, I would advise against such a deal though.
The whole mindset behind Trump’s suggestion is wrong. You can’t negotiate ownership over other people’s country like that. It’s a mystery to me what he would hope to achieve from cooperating with an independent Greenland that he can’t get today – unless he is talking about actual annexation.
Multiple US outlets have noted his interest in Greenland, Panama & etc are likely planted by wealthy interested parties that frequently pay to be in his company.
Trump is too incurious & uninformed in world affairs for these to be self inspired, in my opinion, for whatever little that is worth
I also don’t think he understands how many of the natural resources in Greenland that are not being exploited due to environmental concerns. I don’t think he can persuade the Greenlanders to change their position on that.
It would be a raw deal for the population as well, who would go from full EU citizens to merely territorial residents of the US without many rights. (60k people would /never/ be granted Senate representation)
I was just trying to game out a positive outcome for the residents. I don't really see any
Please take no offense!
As I said elsewhere in the thread, I would advise against such a deal though.
This obviously creates confusion and fear, and time and again, we see the opposing side making concessions to him without negotiations.
However, his clear interest in Greenland makes it costly for him to expand American interests there.
Trump is too incurious & uninformed in world affairs for these to be self inspired, in my opinion, for whatever little that is worth
I was just trying to game out a positive outcome for the residents. I don't really see any
I didn't mean any offense to the good people of Greenland or Denmark 🙏