Cooking club is always a sell out for Key Stage 1.
This term we have a chess club and a ‘World War’ club both of which have been really well received. Every lunch there are now children begging to play chess in the corridors ♟️ #primaryrocks
😂 they’re learning about the world wars; not creating them hopefully!
Our teaching and learning leader is a passionate historian who brings everything to life!
We offer a wide range of clubs which appeal to lots of the children and those that go always seen excited by them. The cooking/baking clubs are one of the popular ones though #primaryRocks. I would say the tech ones are my favourite though!
This is great and a fab way of teaching the children to look after their environment. Our gardening club looks beyond just planting, but at the school environment as a whole. #PrimaryRocks
Litter picking, fence fixing where able, working with the site manager to identify things that need to be fixed, suggesting improvements for school leaders to consider.
We had a club like this a couple of years ago. It was great to see the children taking such pride in their school environment and helping to improve it where possible.
#PrimaryRocks A recycled fashion club ending in a show for parents, and a penpal club with schools around the country and abroad. Started off with letters, then emails.
I asked on FB if anyone in any other schools wanted to link up with our children by sending postcards. Think we got 5 schools in UK, then one in France, Spain and Norway. We sent postcards to intro, and they sent back. Sent a couple each, then moved to email. Y2-y4, only emailed when supervised
This thread is lovely and no one has mentioned football yet!
#PrimaryRocks Q2
This term we have a chess club and a ‘World War’ club both of which have been really well received. Every lunch there are now children begging to play chess in the corridors ♟️ #primaryrocks
Our teaching and learning leader is a passionate historian who brings everything to life!
I see!
So what would a typical world war club session look like?!
Which tech clubs do you run?!
Currently I run a digital ambassador club and I also have a STEM club too. #primaryRocks
This is great and a fab way of teaching the children to look after their environment. Our gardening club looks beyond just planting, but at the school environment as a whole. #PrimaryRocks
I haven't heard of either of these.
What does the penpal club look like in practical terms?
I wish I’d had a Glee club when I was at school! #PrimaryRocks
Do you lead it?
Who chooses the music/songs to learn?
I did used to run the ‘singing for fun’ club though and we just sat around singing along to pop songs with the lyrics up on YouTube!
Good for the soul.
(Although I had to vet their requests every week for inappropriate lyrics)
What is the difference between a singing for fun and a glee club?
Sign me up for the singing for fun club! 😂