In order to properly ensure that extra-curricular clubs are truly inclusive for every student, I would firstly prioritize refraining from prompting my young participants to purchase their own materials as this task is certainly not financially feasible for everyone.
We’ve moved to a model where all clubs take place in one afternoon during school hours, thus allowing every child in school a chance to attend. No late pick-ups, more staff time after hours, every child involved. #PrimaryRocks
Yes, all available staff run a club (some double-up, football is 90+ children so 4 staff run that). Children all put their top 3 and were allocated that way. Only cooking is limited numbers, which change every half-term.
We offer a range and they generally change over the year so that there is something to appeal to everyone. We invite PP children to clubs #primaryrocks
Us too. Effectively give them first refusal on any extra curriculum offer. Persued this until we knew that every child who was PP or who we knew ought to be in a just world had been able to take up at least one opportunity.
We do a pupil survey of the clubs the children take part in. We are then aware of which children are not involved and they work to try and get them engaged in a club/activity. #primaryRocks
There is always a question at the end about what sort of clubs the children would like to see offered.
The year5 & 6 children get an opportunity to run a pupil led club (must get an adult to agree in advance!) then the school council decides which ones should be offered #PrimaryRocks
We offer most clubs for free, and if there is a club for a specific reason (such as practising for an event) we personally invite children who would benefit but who might not think about staying back. #PrimaryRocks
I was lucky coz being part time and finishing at lunch time meant I could run clubs then so no need for chn to stay in school longer. Had to rotate groups attending so wasn't only ones who didn't like playing out! #PrimaryRocks
Yes! Lunch time clubs are great and allow everyone the opportunity to join in when some children may not be able to stay after school for one reason or another.
I run a Pokemon club during a Tuesday lunchtime. Really popular and allows children to trade or play pokemon in a safe space. The contract was drawn up and signed by each child that attends #primaryrocks
Hope you're OK Tim.
It's ages since we've caught up.
I ended up just going on Twitter for this edchat and but not much else!
Have you created clubs specifically for children who do not go to any existing clubs?
The year5 & 6 children get an opportunity to run a pupil led club (must get an adult to agree in advance!) then the school council decides which ones should be offered #PrimaryRocks