So, what, he “consumed” porno while on the job using his official account- that wasn’t part of an oversight duties responsibility? The retaliation is bogus, but unless it was fraud, waste & abuse or pay fer play on the company nickel… go polish your pickle for all I care.
We have all been there when we went “woops misclick” or “ha ha that wasn’t supposed to be on main” but we also don’t literally get paid for a trust and safety position only to abuse that power by banning the person who pointed it out.
Meanwhile weeks of silence on a serial harasser.
Just my 2 cents
And also a good way to send a “I’m watching” message.
It’s the retaliation for using ATproto the way it was designed to be used that stinks.
Honestly nobody would have cared about what may have very well been an errant like (I’ve done it) if he didn’t make a big deal about it!
Nothing here is private, why should T&S expect privacy?