Testing a tweak to the combat in Echo from the Dark this weekend, and the Empire (in blue) fell into a great start with the initial technology.
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While I love the tactic, it meant less spending which threw off the statistics of resource decay I depend on. 😅
I find these trade-offs easier to make the more I can express my priorities around what I'm trying to communicate.
Echo is ICS (a sister series), and I wanted to show institutional change at science-fiction scale, so I can't bake these differences into the core actions as easily as in COIN.
A few rounds in, the red faction could construct enough to become a rival gov't in their own right -- while blue could collapse to an insurgent.
- Players should be able to notice the threat.
- Terrain and enemy forces should matter.
- Effect should be predictable, but at unpredictable cost.
- There should be side-effects on the map (including the population).
When putting together Robotech: Reconstruction I assumed that half my players had never played a COIN game before and worked hard to keep them to the point for these players
At this point, it's not worth trying to encode the information differently when it may change with a balance tweak or a system change.