Baz Manuel Enlightenment Meyer Stumm woke up face down on his couch. He didn’t remember falling asleep but there was no doubt about it. Wiping drool from his mouth and sleep from his eyes, he sat up and looked over himself. He had passed out in a thick t-shirt and his
Baz Manuel Enlightenment Meyer Stumm woke up face down on his couch. He didn’t remember falling asleep but there was no doubt about it. Wiping drool from his mouth and sleep from his eyes, he sat up and looked over himself. He had passed out in a thick t-shirt and his
“You are, sir.” It was one his housemen and guards, standing in a dark corner near the door. It was also true; Baz had stopped eating altogether some days.
“Paul, sir,” said the voice in the shadows.
“Not you,” Baz snarled, reaching over to the bed next to the couch. He grabbed at the pile of blankets on the bed and threw them to the floor. A naked woman was sleeping there, she shuddered
“Ah, I don’t know sir. She was here when I got here.”
“Here when you,” Baz repeated then stopped, confused. He looked at the woman again, her hair was long and brown, and her toenails were painted red. “Paul, how long have I been asleep?”
“Christ,” Baz shook his head. He turned to Paul. “I want her out of here by the time I get back from taking a piss.”
Baz was already halfway to the bathroom. “What? Out with it, Paul.”