rattled around his head (Fuinta? Neco? Jacinda?), before he spoke. “I’m sorry, but look I needed to get up. It’s a big day,” he lied, not knowing if he had any obligations at all. If it was Kimsday, he would be due at his younger half-brother, Aesop’s, 30th birthday party this evening. In any case,
She rolled her eyes then shook her head. “Is that creep still here?”
“Who? What, you mean the guards? No, different creep,” Baz said beside the bed once more. Paul had retreated back to the shadows.
“Here,” he said.
“What about the blankets?” she asked, gripping the phone with her toes and sliding it towards her reach.
“I have to piss.” Baz turned and went towards the bathroom.
“Techie,” she said in a singsong voice, “raise the room
“It won’t work with your voice,” he said, matching her style and turning the light on.
“Raising room temperature,” said the house virtual assistant.
“Shit,” Baz mumbled. He looked at himself in the mirror. He hadn’t shaved in weeks and his beard was getting long,
“Oh Shit!” she yelled from the bedroom.
Mclaurine, he thought, finally remembering her name. A family name or some shit.
“Oh fuck, no! When?” she exclaimed
“What?” he asked, turning his head towards the open doorway and splashing himself on the toes. “Shit.”
He heard Mclaurine get up from the bed and rush to the doorway. He looked at her naked body once again, appreciating it now that it was awake and alive and moving. Baz thought about