They're gonna remove what little subtext about colonialism and cultural exploitation survived studio intervention in the og movie. They'll probably also make David into some himbo. Also, there's just no replacing the beautiful watercolor backgrounds and the expressive character designs.
It's super interesting to watch as a kid and then as an adult. As a kid, Cobra Bubbles was 100% a bad guy and then he turned out good? But then as an adult you understand EVERYTHING and holy shit the movie was so real. And Nani, barely an adult, having to give up her future for Lilo 😭
And David is such a supportive friend! It still hits hard when he told Stitch "You know, I really thought they had a chance. Then you showed up." Like holy mother of god that is such brutal delivery, no rage, just weary disappointment.
omfg i have a stitch stuffy and wall art and i do a really really good stitch voice and i am discovering a vast welling of emotions like a volcano waking up
The magic word. Nobody in corporate speech means everybody. Some corporations follow trends and public opinion. Others *force it* to be.