I love the implications and the disconnect between everyone getting what they want (TJ getting a warp transition and Devin being baby) and the feeling that this situation should be "fixed", not because it's what anyone wants, but it's "what we should want to want". It's really fascinating.
It almost feels like there is an AR renaissance going on; it's good to see the classic stuff like that. Devin's expression in the last panel was funnier than I thought it would be.
always get such conflicted feelings whenever I see Devin and TJ cus on one hand I feel so bad for poor lil Devin seeing em be all sad/when TJ is mean to em but on the other hand the aftermath reactions are so great😭
I love the dynamic between these two (and I’d probably try to take my own spin on the concept if I had the skill bc these two have been rotating rent-free in my head for weeks now, it’s a very fun body-swap-esque scenario)
Also TJ is hot
Like he just looks so good, all the time—really solid design
YEAHHHH so glad ya caught that! the things that made Devin feel trapped and imprisoned now make TJ feel free! and she's yet to learn yet but vice versa will apply to Devin soon enough :3c
Also are they stuck that age forever, or will they grow up again?
I'd prefer time travel regression personally, but modern time age swap would also work.
And that's the beauty of not just being the little sibling, but the BABY sibling
One cry, and things are instantly going your way
always get such conflicted feelings whenever I see Devin and TJ cus on one hand I feel so bad for poor lil Devin seeing em be all sad/when TJ is mean to em but on the other hand the aftermath reactions are so great😭
Also TJ is hot
Like he just looks so good, all the time—really solid design
I love the denial and the true sibling-attitude
Listing off all the reasons why Devon didn't want to be an adult anymore...
Poor regresees , adult thoughts but only a baby brain to reign in the emotions...
(I don't mean that never stop doing this)