When I was 5? 7? I drew erotism of Gary from SpongeBob getting wrapped up in bandage tape by robotic hands and put into a machine that turned him into a PokeBall.
godddd i hate how accurate this is lmao, i don't think any of my childhood drawings survived but i very distinctly remember regularly drawing my favorite cartoon characters in diapers around elementary school age lmao 🫠
I legit distinctly remember drawing mario pissing on bowser in elementary school then crumpling it up and throwing them under the seats on the school bus
even as a kid I was kinda ashamed somehow
annnnnd this is why I kept destroying and throwing away ALL my childhood and teen journals
it was so cringe
I've always been this way but it was still cringe to see my younger self drawing all that 😭
I remember putting on one of my younger sibling's diapers at 6 years old, and then I passed out in the living room and my dad found out and yelled at me. Definitely always wanted to be in diapers before I had any conception of kink. 🦊
clearly a goal I met
Also was always too afraid to draw diaper art on actual paper
some things just never change haha
even as a kid I was kinda ashamed somehow
It can't hurt us anymore. :)
it was so cringe
I've always been this way but it was still cringe to see my younger self drawing all that 😭
You reminded me of something similar I did, but worse... This was when I was like, five, but still
For some reason I made an extremely crude drawing on the family computer of a used (and open) diaper
And then tried to hide it by naming it "D.I.P.E.R.P.O.O.P."
Not joking
It didn't work btw
they've sadly all been lost to fire, but maybe that's for the best >.>;