"Due to serious production problems, the anime tried to pass a green ball with squiggly lines off as a cabbage. It was so embarrassing it made the term "cabbage" shorthand in Japan for an anime production falling apart. What makes this notable, however..."
is that this incident is considered the reason why anime lavish so much attention on Food Porn — to avoid reminding people how terrible the cabbage in Crescent Love looked." https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FoodPorn
Wife: 🥗
Me: What the hell is this leafy stuff?
Wife: Cabbage.
Me: Um... I think you made a mistake. Look... 📱Watch this BlueSky video.
Wife: You want a melon?
Me: No, that's cabbage.
Wife: (Calls psychologist)
If there's an additional joke here I missed, I am sorry for bringing down the mood like that.