I’m in a red state and have other personal stuff I’m dealing with atm but I know a lot about what I can do with my community when I’m able to get out there so I’m not leaving anytime soon if I don’t have to but I don’t have a lot of friends on the outside in blue states, elsewhere etc
I know there’s a lot of shit I need to do that I probably should’ve already done but haven’t been able to and I’m fucking scared and yall know what they’re doing they’re doing everything at once so people don’t have time to do anything about it since there’s so much going on
I need good friends outside of tx just to keep in contact with yall at the very least, in blue states and in other countries bc who knows when we’ll stop hearing from yall I know rednote will probably be one of the first to go but I’m glad the people in the uk, germany, canada etc know what’s up
These are not normal times.
I don’t even know if I’ll even be able to make content long term because what is there to film? I already wasn’t able to make a lot of videos before all this and now what?? A thrift haul seems silly? I don’t have all the research and resources to make the kind of videos+
other people have been making on what’s going on here currently I’m not the person to make that content I can only share it to yall when I see it
I do want to keep making videos and doing music etc when I can but we’re also dealing with this shit??
Anyways idk if anyone will even see this I don’t know how threads work on bsky if anyone will read these parts or not but I’m kind of going insane both from my personal situation & the state of things here in the us atm(and being sick! yay!) so something needed to be said ig
I don’t even know if I’ll even be able to make content long term because what is there to film? I already wasn’t able to make a lot of videos before all this and now what?? A thrift haul seems silly? I don’t have all the research and resources to make the kind of videos+
I do want to keep making videos and doing music etc when I can but we’re also dealing with this shit??