Democrat women will change their names while Republican women are less apt to do so because their husbands likely won’t “let” them and their churches will look down upon it.
They want to suppress their own voters, go for it.
Also just because these republican women made a huge error voting trump (probably under duress and coercion) that doesn't mean they should lose their freedom. That's just petty and mean. You should take the high road not the low road!
That way of thinking has gotten us to exactly where we are. Those ladies voted to take away my freedom and millions of other women, so why would I care if they lose theirs?
I know, I said as much didn't I?.
Check out Lia Tevings on Instagram, a former fundie wife.
I'm not defending them, they're assholes but I would not want to live in the world they're stuck in. From birth to death for most of them. Some snap and get out. Lia was one of them!
What are you talking about?. What do you mean democrat women will change their names?. I read the article but I don't know what part you're referring to.
It is so sad to see people force morality based on an idea that HAS NO BASIS IN TRUTH!!!!!!!! If we are going to move to a religious government the. They need to demonstrate that a god even exists before I and many others will be stupid enough to follow their idiotic rules. Fuck them!
Jesus, why don't y'all just get passports like normal people? Then this "voter fraud" nonsense would stop. It's literally illegal to live in EU without a passport and we manage nicely. Getting one sets you back 20 eur, and you're golden. Make sure everyone has a passport, and this nonsense ends.
Maga men want to hump each other so bad. It's pretty obvious: they put so much effort into working out. Then, put effort into pushing all women out of the party, so only men are remaining. In my youth, these were called "sausage parties" and dudes who like girls didnt go to those.
They are disenfranchising everyone, "no need to vote, move along, move along."
Democrat women will change their names while Republican women are less apt to do so because their husbands likely won’t “let” them and their churches will look down upon it.
They want to suppress their own voters, go for it.
I’m not taking the high road.
they may not have even had in the first place!
Check out Lia Tevings on Instagram, a former fundie wife.
I'm not defending them, they're assholes but I would not want to live in the world they're stuck in. From birth to death for most of them. Some snap and get out. Lia was one of them!
When was the last time you checked the price?.