While she has a softer side, few ever see it. In fact, annoy Sable enough, and she may steal your mind and make you into someone better.
"Can't focus long enough to learn even a single, simple incantation, fine, focus on this~♡"
"Can't focus long enough to learn even a single, simple incantation, fine, focus on this~♡"
"Yes . . . Ill focus right on that . . .~♡ "
She would ask as she leaned over the table, those hypnotic, glowing tits bouncing slightly as they got ever closer.
"Y-yes of course my enchantress. . . Ill be your best student . . .~"
She would giggle out as she stepped even closer, her warm, sweet scent filling her hypno victims nose.
"A gaurd dog must first remember to always walk on all fours. You aren't like, mommy. You should always be kneeled and ready to present~♡"
"Of course mommy, i am your mere guard dog and no one will tell me otherwise , i am always kneeled and present for you~♡ "
She would give the girls shirt a tug, smirking softly as she did.
"Dogs don't wear clothes either. Those are for people mutt~♡"