Gingerly, he places the cow down after sensing its distress. The cow gives off an angry moo in response.
“Moo, moo, I understand,” he gives the cow a pat on its back before his attention is brought back to his laughing shidi.
How nice it is to see him so happy! Usually he sees him with that ——
“Moo, moo, I understand,” he gives the cow a pat on its back before his attention is brought back to his laughing shidi.
How nice it is to see him so happy! Usually he sees him with that ——
“Liu-shidi?!” He calls out, concerned when he begins to cough.
Heading over to him, he rubs his back, eyes filled with concern.
“Are you alright?”
"I- *cough cough* No, I'm f-fine *cough*"
He keeps his face turned away, both trying not to cough on the other Peak Lord and also trying to hide the pink flush across his cheeks after such a -
It just can't be true...
Maybe he just really LIKES Shen Qingqiu, but LOVE?? No. NO! That's-
Oh god...
Calming his coughs finally, he keeps his hand covering his lower face to hide his shame as he glances at the other man from the corner of his eye.
How could he be coughing so much all of a sudden — is it another qi deviation?!
When Liu Qingge's coughs eventually die down, he looks back at him when he peeks over from the corner of his ——
“Was it really that shocking to you, for me to be able to carry that cow?” This is the conclusion he arrives at, after a lot of thought.
"No... No, it just looked like Shixiong wasn't the type to ever even touch a cow."
To make a point, still hiding behind his own hand, he glances at Shen Qingqiu's robes and nicely styled hair.