Shen Qingqiu watches the mountains and the hills that pass by, making sure to hold onto Liu Qingge to keep steady.
“Liu-shidi, you fly really well!”
The compliment probably doesn't reach him, considering they are traveling several feet high in the air!
“Liu-shidi, you fly really well!”
The compliment probably doesn't reach him, considering they are traveling several feet high in the air!
Well, if it's important, he can say it when they land.
The rest of the flight goes by quickly, Qingge heading -
He leaps off of the sword gracefully, offering a smile.
“Thank you giving into this shixiong's selfish request. You even took time out of your day to accompany me, just to satiate my curiosity.”
Besides, now he knows exactly what Shen Qingqiu looks like standing in a field of cows, smiling away as he carries one around. It would have been a travesty if he had missed out on that.
Still balanced on his sword, he asks, "Anything else Shen-shixiong may need?"
He beckons Liu Qingge to come closer to him, a mischievous smile on his lips.
“Come, come. Let me do something for Liu-shidi.”
Yet, he finds himself getting closer to the other anyway.
"... Do something?"