You are fucked in the head if you don’t vaccinate your kids because you’d rather have a dead kid than an autistic kid.
-an autistic kid
-an autistic kid
I told them well I'm sure to die some day and if you're worried about autism I suppose you should know that ones already been passed down to me
Conservatives in America: All lives matter!
Conservatives in America: I refuse to vaccinate myself or my child.
Measles: 1️⃣
Conservatives in America: 0️⃣
I don’t know what time line you are in it’s 12:31 am here, but I hope you have good night.
it's like a big fucking laser powerful enough to annihilate whatever task i point it at
...would love if my ADHD didn't have such god-awful aim tho
Honestly some of the most creative, intelligent people are autistic. I’m finding they’re making a disproportionate contribution to the good of society compared to the rest of us
Just my personal observation
Something could be making symptoms worse but i doubt vaccines. Educated successful fathers who marry late have the highest incidence. Look there.
Also! Traits > symptoms
so that certainly contributed to fewer diagnosed cases.
-another one.