There never really was any customer service* or brick n mortar store with Mintmobile, which is what kept the cost down. But as far cell service goes I’ve not had any issues.
*Everything’s online and consumers have to read the instructions to figure out 95% of what they have to do.
I switched in June (after they were bought out) and I am extremely satisfied with their customer service. Do you have positive/negative experiences before/after? please share
Mint was great. I went to renew my contract. They were advertising plans for seniors. None of the people I called or chatted with knew anything about it. Turns out it costs a lot more for virtually nothing.
Visible was easy to switch to on my never locked phone. They do require auto withdrawal.
*Everything’s online and consumers have to read the instructions to figure out 95% of what they have to do.
Now the CSRs know nothing.
I was a CSR for Verizon, so I knew a lot. But the current reps know nothing about their products.
I ended up going with Visible by Verizon. $30 a month, unlimited.
Visible was easy to switch to on my never locked phone. They do require auto withdrawal.