It’s the party of absolute hypocrisy! Look at them all clutching their pearls because Biden pardoned his son and look at all the foul idiots that Trump pardoned during his time as president! The biggest bunch of hypocrites I have ever seen in my life is the Republican Party And corporate media!!
Abortion doesn't kill. It removes. And, babes, abortion is factually healthcare. The same procedures used in abortion are used for incomplete miscarriages. Miscarriages? Are medically and scientifically recognized as spontaneous abortion. Why? Because abortion means to end a pregnancy
That's not me babes. That's you. I don't subscribe to your religion. Also? God allows abortions in the Bible and gives a recipe for an elixir that causes abortion
Climate change threatens all the expensive coastal real estate, which has half the value of ALL real estate, which is 1/3 of all global wealth. Admitting that trillions of dollars will soon disappear into the oceans isn’t what billionaires or banks want to hear.
I’d be a slight bit (but only very, very slight) more willing to listen to them if the majority were even women, but I guess men know about childbirth better than the people that actually bear the children. The magical power of a penis, I guess. They also use it to vote, have a job, drive. Magical!
They're quack doctors who believe women can hold in their periods, "real" rape means you can't get pregnant, and that contraceptives are "dangerous" or "ineffective"
They don’t want a free ticket to science club…. But they all want a woman…. though they sure as shit haven’t got the charm, smarts or chivalry to get a woman to freely give up her body to them…. Hence the need for control!
Because every single reproductive organ in a woman has a male doctor's last name assigned to it. Instead of describing organs by function Ex: Dr Fallopian hurried and named it after himself. Instead of something like egg duct maybe? Don't ask me I install furnaces
You need not know when life begins or where the clitoris is located
Good luck on the latter regardless
They claim Divine Husband's Authority.
"God gave me The Rod of Authority, which gives me absolute authority and dominion over you, Vessel of my Seed. Now, make me a sammich."