Woke, the African-American English synonym for the General American English word awake, has since the 1930s or earlier been used to refer to awareness of social and political issues affecting African Americans, often in the construction stay woke.
2/2 I wanted customer service, my calls didn’t go through. I couldn’t stop, I was past the entry in a line of cars, moving through a light to the highway. I thought,”I’ll come back, but it’s more than a mile, with 3 stop lights, surely someone will help, no one was, what if no one helps anymore?”
Yesterday I drove past a Walmart looking at all the cars turning into the unplowed driveway, I noticed what looked like baby stroller stuck in deep snow. I thought where’s the mother? Then saw a small disabled person seated on a scooter pushing to get out, no one stopping. I called Walmart twice 1/2
'Woke' is the dumbest far right dog whistle. It's not a long or a complicated word, so stupid people can remember it. Being 'woke' as I see it is awareness of one's societal and community responsibilities and a commitment to improving and making society better. The RW wants to destroy civil society.